
Friday, July 24, 2020


                                     Haunted house
 #1 I was in a dream boom the wind slammed the close door. In my dream I was dreaming of a hose when I went in the house was broken broken charis it looks like it got on fire.

#2 When the door slammed I woke up I drew the house in my dream the I showed my drawing to my dad then his face looked like he knew the house
Then he said ‘’where did you get this from’’ ‘’I'm getting it from my dream’’ I said.

#3 The next day my dad said get up boy going on a trip I got my clothes and my bag when we got in the car I went to sleep then I dreamed of some house. My dad said get up. were here I said dad this is the place in my dreams wait you're telling me this is the place    in your dreams            

More recesses

More recesses 

We should have more time for a refuel break! We can get more recess like to say about five more minutes in every recess. When we get more time we can play longer and get more time to play with friends. If we can get more time in our time for lunch and morning tea we can stay fit and be healthy. For all my reason´s we should get more time in our recess.

Why we should have more time in our recess 

I recommended that we have some


What I did in lockdown 

All I did in lockdown was just sleep and play games on the ps4s every night.

 Sometimes we got work and I got told to go to bed because it was bad for me to stay up so long without any sleep.

Sometimes we went to the beach after the lockdown and met some family. In Auckland because I went to a wedding.


Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Friday, June 19, 2020

Trench warfare

Trench warfare is the most dangerous place at war. In WW1 there were no automatic weapons.  In \WW1 there
were also tanks. 

 These were meant to protect the soldiers' feet from the water in the trenches to try and prevent Trench Foot.

There were many lines of German trenches on one side and many lines of Allied trenches on the other.

In the middle was no man's land, which soldiers crossed to attack the other side.

Trench rats were disgusting because they ate dead people, they crawled everywhere and always ate people.

Trench warfare was a means to save people from enemy fire.  It was hard because there were enemies shooting at
you, hazards like trench foot and trench rats.

By Joseph

Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Thursday, February 13, 2020

today at tech we got to go to intamiteat we all went to the prensaball for our classes
I got into technology and our teacher was Mrs Rusell we did rules pb4l things we made  shapes that were very hard