
Friday, June 19, 2020

Trench warfare

Trench warfare is the most dangerous place at war. In WW1 there were no automatic weapons.  In \WW1 there
were also tanks. 

 These were meant to protect the soldiers' feet from the water in the trenches to try and prevent Trench Foot.

There were many lines of German trenches on one side and many lines of Allied trenches on the other.

In the middle was no man's land, which soldiers crossed to attack the other side.

Trench rats were disgusting because they ate dead people, they crawled everywhere and always ate people.

Trench warfare was a means to save people from enemy fire.  It was hard because there were enemies shooting at
you, hazards like trench foot and trench rats.

By Joseph

Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Wednesday, June 10, 2020